A travel blog of Ireland, Europe, and New Zealand

Day 4 – the dreaded GNIB

Today I had the services of a Relocation Expert who was booked to help me with formal processes for the day. She collected me at 9.30 from the B & B and we went to get a Garda National Immigration card from the GNIB office. We arrived at 10, and there we sat…and sat….and sat. They give you a number – mine was 136 – and tell you to wait until it is called. At ten, when we arrived, they were up to 58. By twelve, they were up to 77. So we went next door and had some lunch, after which I suggested that she head off for the day as there was absolutely no point in us both sitting there. I finally got through at 2.45, having been stung E300 for ONE YEAR’S access, when I’d been advised by the Relocation Expert that I had to do this only once, and the E300 would last the whole three years of my contract.

So, reflections on life in Ireland so far? Some very helpful people; some very tedious processes; some rather unexpected situations like having to cover one’s own refreshments at varsity (they don’t provide tea and coffee for staff); but so far no excessive rain! And I MAY be able to attend a harp and ancient instruments concert in the Archaeology section of the Dublin Museum, if I can get a cancellation. Unfortunately it is currently fully booked, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!


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