Overlooking the ruins of Castle Stalker in Argyll, Scottish ancestral district of the Fergusons (April 2016)
This website serves a number of purposes. Originally, it was to record our time in Ireland, from April 2014 to March 2017 – see The Blog menu for our history of living in and travelling through Ireland and other parts of Europe and, from 2017, around New Zealand.
New for 2022 is a set of family tree pages with stories about some of Bruce’s ancestors, chiefly of interest to other family members.
Finally, under the tab of Other, are three separate menus. First, there is Pip’s Page which was used as part of her consultancy work. It is now mostly concerned with recording her publications and presentations. Secondly, there is a page of Jottings about our time away 2014 – 2017, items that we want to remember without them necessarily being blog material. They are unlikely to be of interest to anyone other than family. Thirdly, there are a few archive photos from our European trip of 2011 entitled Norway and Scotland.
The banner photo of the River Liffey and Ha’penny Bridge in Dublin was taken on 4 December 2015.