A travel blog of Ireland, Europe, and New Zealand


Pip and Bruce lived in Hamilton, New Zealand until April 2014, when they moved to Dublin in the Republic of Ireland. After returning home in 2017, they moved to Tauranga on the east coast of the North Island. They have three daughters: Fiona, married to Greg, with daughter Holly and son Alex in Hamilton, NZ; Sarah, married to Chris, with sons Angus, Dominic and Jesse in Hove, UK; Kirsty, married to Richard with daughter Neve and son Max, in Haywards Heath, East Sussex, UK.

In December 2021, Pip and Bruce celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Pip, now retired, was in Teaching Development at Dublin City University and previous to that was in the Teaching Development Unit at the University of Waikato.  She is often a referee for academic conference papers, and until 2020 was on the editorial panel of Action Research International and a peer reviewer for the Educational Journal of  Living Theories, both electronic journals with international editorial and review panels. Additionally, Pip was a member of the Human Rights Commission’s voluntary networking group for fourteen years; has been an accredited Industrial Chaplain and was for six years a member of the  New Zealand Press Council, (now the NZ Media Council) a body that considers complaints against newspapers and other publications.

Bruce has been employed in the computing industry since starting as a computer programmer in 1969. (Yes, he started young. Just a child, really.) In 2014 he retired from the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) in Hamilton, New Zealand, where he had managed a degree in information technology and a postgraduate diploma in applied informatics. While in Ireland he took up a role working remotely with the Open Polytechnic of NZ, facilitating online courses in their new Bachelor of Information Technology degree, and he currently retains a reduced connection with them as a part time Adjunct Marker. His interests include photography and travel. He is also an organist and played the Croft pipe organ at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Hamilton on a regular basis from 1986 to 2014. He also played the three-manual organ at Abbey Presbyterian Church, Dublin, for occasional services. Since moving to Tauranga, he has taken up his original instrument, the piano, for his own (and less frequently, other people’s) enjoyment.