A travel blog of Ireland, Europe, and New Zealand

Welcome to our blog for Ireland and beyond!

This is a blog for Pip and Bruce Ferguson.Pip The next major event for us is our departure for Ireland for three years, beginning in April/May 2014. No doubt this will take us out of our comfort zone but it will keep life interesting. Benefits include a new work challenge for Pip, the chance to see our family in the UK a bit more often and the ability to travel to interesting parts of Europe (including, of course, exploring Ireland, particularly its history, music and food).


We also have an archived  blog at http://bruceferg.wordpress.com which contains details of our travels to the UK, Norway, India and China from 2008 to 2011. As you can tell from the URL, this is a WordPress-hosted site and was our initial attempt at understanding how WordPress works.

The blog that you are reading now is also a WordPress blog but it is hosted on our own URL at www.fergs.org which is the next step in our journey to understand WordPress.


3 thoughts on “Welcome to our blog for Ireland and beyond!

  1. Matekohi Tamati

    Hi Bruce. How’s sunny, flooding, Britain? Am I on the right site, to see what you’re up to? It’s sunny here, but freezing overnight, -2, -3 degrees. Hope you’re having fun and spending up large! Matekohi

  2. admin Post author

    Yes, indeed, it’s the right site. We have missed the worst of the floods but it has certainly rained a lot.

  3. Marg

    Hi there you two

    Well, finally after emailing Fiona around 3 July I’ve gotten around to trying to find some communication from you. Nothing there when I looked initially – how slack! Great photo’s and once again it seems as though you have had some sunny days for your photo’s – 30 is forecast for Lon don today and so great for the opening of the games. Not sure when you are back – this seems a good way to keep a travel diary and maybe I should find out how hard it is to do since I will be heading to Scotland in Sept. Travel safe for the rest of your time and do be in touch when you get back.