A hectic but exciting three weeks as first, cousin Christine visited us as a side trip from her UK destination, then the following week we moved to our new apartment and the week after that Ruth and John (Richard’s parents) visited us from Liverpool. The visits had been planned well in advance – it was just the moving that was something of a last-minute thing but our visitors were most diplomatic in pretending not to notice packed boxes and then unpacked boxes, so we all had a great time and with Dublin being such a good place to visit, why wouldn’t we?
So this post is mainly for family interest with just a few photos showing us in various sites of revelry around Dublin. The summer is definitely patchy this year but we managed reasonable weather on the whole for most of this time.
Our new apartment is in the same general area but whereas our old place was on the ground floor with very little natural light, the new one is over two floors on the top of a much smaller apartment block, with a very pleasant view across a golf course. Bedrooms and two bathrooms are on the second floor of the block and open plan lounge/dining, kitchen, laundry, storeroom/attic and guest wc are on the third floor.
And then, just tonight, a glorious sunset viewed from our balcony.