Day 2 turned out to be brilliantly sunny so we began with a walk to the Saturday market, crossing the magical river Loire as we went. Very hard to resist stopping every few yards for another photo opportunity, it was such a seductive view. And then we couldn’t resist the chance to put our own seductive selves in the frame as well.
But this post in fact is about the market, a photo-essay about how the locals do their buying in French towns, so enjoy the slides.
Then it was on to Nantes, where we met Martine and Geoff, Luc’s parents, and his brother Marc for lunch at their lovely home situated in park-like grounds, where we had the opportunity to try another couple of superb regional wines, both a rose and a red. After a delicious lunch sampling produce from their local market, it was time to head for the airport to catch the Ryan Air flight back to Dublin, with a detour to see the famous mechanical Elephant of Nantes. Just a shame the queues were a bit long as we would have been very keen for a ride. Maybe next time…