Yes, folks, it’s that time of year again… Well no, actually, it’s only mid-November, but the sparkly Christmas lights in Dublin have already been switched on by eager store-keepers. We went to Grafton St last Sunday night about 5pm and the place was humming, as you can see. And inside the Jervis Mall, apart from more Christmas lights, a family of Yeti have inexplicably joined the celebrations.
At this stage, we have no further plans for travel before Christmas but we will be spending Christmas itself in London. Since Kirsty and Richard will be with Richard’s family in Burton, we will take advantage of their empty flat and be in London from 23 – 28 December, spending Christmas Day with nephew Dave and his wife Amy, who have just purchased a new house, so we’re looking forward to that. Then we take the train to Hove and spend the next few days with Sarah and Chris, Angus and Dominic for a second Christmas celebration on 30 December. Richard and Kirsty will join us there. We are hoping that Chris will be persuaded to cook Christmas Dinner for us – he did it last year in Hamilton when they visited us and it was a magnificent “Full English” dinner with all the trimmings, complicated enough that he needed to construct a spreadsheet to tell him what happened and when, while preparing and cooking it!
Then on 2 January we fly back to Dublin, no doubt with an avalanche of blog posts to thrill you with. In the meantime, we will probably still add a post or two to the blog before then, so keep checking back.

Wow, magical. Wayne and I spent a freezing week close to Hove so can picture it clearly. I can remember vividly all the sightseers lined up along the boardwalk in jackets and scarves and 3 gentlemen waded into the water and went swimming in their budgie smugglers!! Idiots was about all we could say.
Don’t worry, Sueze. When I get to Hove, you can be sure that I will not be doing or wearing anything that would cause you to call me an idiot!
Glad to hear that Mr Ferguson 🙂